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Team Battle, referred to as Team Melee in Super Smash Flash and simply as Teams in Fraymakers, is a Group game mode selected from the character selection screen in the Super Smash Flash series and Fraymakers. Unlike in free-for-all battles, each player chooses a certain color (red, green, or blue) in which the teams are organized and fights alongside other players on that team. At the end of a match, the team with the highest combined score (in a time battle) or the last team standing (in a stock battle) is the winner.

In Super Smash Flash[]

In Super Smash Flash, the player can select Team Melee in VS. Mode by pressing the "Melee (VS)" button in the top left corner of the character selection screen, which will change it to "Team (VS)". The player cannot manually select which players are on each team, and instead the team setups are predetermined and can only be changed by pressing the button again. These setups include 2 on 2, 1 on 3, and 2 vs 1 vs 1, each with multiple ways the teams are ordered. Although each team is indicated on the character selection screen by a color, the game does not name the teams this way; teams with more than one player are referred to as Team 1 and Team 2, and teams with a single player are only referred to by that player.

In a team battle, players on the same team cannot attack each other. Otherwise, there is no indicator in-game of which players are on each team, making it difficult to tell.

In Super Smash Flash 2[]

In Super Smash Flash 2, the player can select Team Battle in Group or Online battles (referred to as Online Team Battle in the latter) by pressing the "Free for all" button in the top left corner of the character selection screen. Unlike in the game's predecessor, each player can manually choose who is and who is not on each team. Although any team setup can be selected, a match cannot be started unless there are at least two teams selected. Additionally, teams are now all referred to by their selective colors, including Red Team, Green Team, and Blue Team.

Each character is forced to use a specific costume colored after the team they are on. For instance, a character on the red team will use a specific red costume. If two or more of the same character are selected for a single team, then the brightness of each subsequent player will be altered to differentiate them; a second player will be brighter, and a third player will be darker. The characters' damage meters, which are normally colored based on the player number and type of player, are also appropriately colored after their respective teams.

Normally, players on the same team cannot attack each other. However, there is an optional rule called Team Attack, which allows players to attack other players on their own teams when turned on.

In a stock battle, players have the ability to "share stocks" with their teammates after they have lost all of their stocks. If the defeated player presses the pause input, they will be revived with one stock, at the cost of a teammate's stock. This does not work if each teammate only has one stock.

In Fraymakers[]

In Fraymakers, the player can select Teams in Group or Online battles by pressing the "Fray" button at the top of the character selection screen, which will change it to "Teams". Each player can manually choose who is and who is not on each team, and a match cannot be started unless there are at least two teams selected. Unlike in SSF2, characters are not restricted by costumes, and teams are instead indicated by outlines around each character and Assist colored after their respective teams.

Similarly to SSF2, players on the same team normally cannot attack each other, but there is an optional setting in Match Options called Friendly Fire that allows players to do so when turned on.


Super Smash Flash[]


Super Smash Flash 2[]



  • Prior to Beta 1.2, certain characters in SSF2 such as Mr. Game & Watch and Bomberman had costumes that could only be accessed by selecting certain teams in a Team Battle. This was corrected with the standardization of twelve costumes per character.