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Super Hexagon is the main focus and obstacle of the action game Super Hexagon. It appears as an Assist character in Fraymakers.

Character description[]

In Super Hexagon, the player controls a small triangle circling around the center of a rotating hexagonal grid while dodging walls that close in from the edges to survive. The walls and grid gradually change colors over the course of the game along with the shape of the edges, which often shifts between a hexagon, pentagon, and square. The pace at which the grid rotates and the walls close in also progressively changes the longer the player survives.

In Fraymakers[]

Fraymakers Super Hexagon Assist

Super Hexagon's cut-in.

Super Hexagon is one of the Assist characters in Fraymakers, and it was made available in v0.5.11 of Early Access on June 11, 2023. It appears in the form of the hexagonal grid from Super Hexagon with the player triangle near the center, with its coloration being based on that of the Hexagon stage of the game. When called upon, the Super Hexagon voice actor says "Begin" and Super Hexagon appears at a distance in front of and above the player. Red walls close in as the triangle frantically dodges them, pulling nearby opponents toward the center and hitting up to six times, with each hit dealing 1 damage and very weak knockback. When the final hit occurs, the triangle gets hit by a wall and the grid clears before disappearing. This can be used to trap opponents and set them up for a follow-up attack.

It takes 106 damage to fully charge Super Hexagon.

In-game description[]

Appears a distance forward and up from you, then hits 6 times in a row! Opponents will be sucked in towards the center, so attack them there right after the final hit.



Fraymakers Super Hexagon Costumes


Fraymakers Super Hexagon Assist KS

Super Hexagon's unused render.

Super Hexagon Pull

Super Hexagon's unused appearance in Fraymakers.

  • Super Hexagon was the first Assist to be added to Fraymakers following its initial Early Access release on January 18, 2023.
  • It was initially planned for Super Hexagon's design in Fraymakers to appear much larger and lack the inner grid. This was changed in order to appear more visually striking and faithful to Super Hexagon.