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A multi-directional input, abbreviated as MDI, is a technique in Super Smash Flash 2 that is performed by simultaneously pressing two opposite movement directions, particularly left and right or up and down. It requires a controller setup that allows the player to press both directions independently of each other, such as a keyboard.

Multi-directional inputs have various applications that cannot otherwise be performed with a standard analog stick or directional pad. Holding left and right together allows players to perform neutral attacks and neutral special moves while walking or running. While airborne, they can also perform neutral aerials without losing momentum or having to let go of the desired moving direction. Similarly, holding up and down together allows the player to perform up tilts and neutral special moves while crouching.

Certain special moves also have special properties with multi-directional inputs. For instance, Zelda's Farore's Wind and Sheik's Vanish cause their respective characters to teleport in place when holding two opposite directions. Additionally, pressing up and down simultaneously while using Isaac's Move causes the Psynergy hand to perform its upward attack while rising up significantly from the momentum of its downward attack.

Multi-directional inputs are also possible in the original Super Smash Flash, in which holding left and right together allows the player to perform a side attack while idling. There are currently no known applications for multi-directional inputs in Fraymakers.
