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Merchant Port is a stage in Fraymakers hailing from Rivals of Aether that serves as a home stage for Orcane.


Merchant Port consists of a large hard platform at the bottom with a low soft platform on each side and a large water wheel at the center. With hazards turned on, the water wheel contains four soft platforms spread evenly across it and slowly turns counterclockwise. The main platform also contains water shooters both edges, which each take approximately 28 seconds to fill up with water and then fire a stream directly upward when attacked, dealing 10 damage and vertical knockback to opponents hit. With hazards turned off, the water wheel is stationary and contains only two platforms near its top, each of which is higher than the platforms at the edges, and the water shooters do not appear.


  • The music track arranged by Super Soul Bros. is Fighter Select, an orchestral jazz cover of one of the themes that plays on the fighter selection screen in Rivals of Aether.
  • The music track arranged by OverClocked ReMix is Oceanic Breeze, an electronic cover of the theme that plays on the Merchant Port stage in Rivals of Aether.
  • The music track arranged by Jules Conroy is Fight and Flight, a metal cover of the theme that plays on the Air Armada stage in Rivals of Aether.


The Aether variant.
The Basic variant.
The Aether and Basic variants of Merchant Port in Rivals of Aether.

Merchant Port originates as a stage in Rivals of Aether in which, much like its appearance in Fraymakers, it serves as the home stage of Orcane. It is set near the coast of Water Town, the merchant capital of Aether, where residents such as Orcane live and the Water Trading Company does business. The layout of the stage in Fraymakers is nearly identical to that of the stage in Rivals of Aether; particularly, the layout with hazards turned on is based on the stage in Aether mode, whereas with hazards turned off it is based on the stage in Basic mode.


  • Merchant Port, along with Stratostar and Backyard, was one of the three stages shown for the game's reveal through Kickstarter and one of the five stages initially planned for the base game.