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Gunman Clive is the main protagonist of the Gunman Clive series of platforming games. He appears as an Assist character in Fraymakers.

Character description[]

Gunman Clive is a lone gunslinger who lives in a futuristic Wild West in the year 18XX, which is overrun by thugs and outlaws. He wears a traditional cowboy attire with his hat covering his eyes, and he carries a revolver with various upgrades. He is depicted as beige in the original Gunman Clive and red in Gunman Clive 2. When a group of bandits kidnaps Mayor Johnson's daughter, he sets out to fight the bandits and their technological weapons in order to rescue her and bring order back to the town. When the bandits return in Gunman Clive 2, he travels across the world to track down and face their leader.

In Fraymakers[]

Fraymakers Gunman Clive Assist

Gunman Clive's render.

Gunman Clive Shot

Gunman Clive as he appears in Fraymakers.

Gunman Clive is one of the Assist characters in Fraymakers, and he is one of the twenty Assists available at the launch of its Early Access release. He was revealed for the game in a trailer that premiered on November 17, 2022. His design is based on his appearance in the original Gunman Clive.

When called upon, he appears in front of the player and crouches down to fire six shots from his gun in quick succession that travel straight forward. Each shot deals 2 damage and low knockback, allowing the six hits to link into each other and keep opponents in place. This can be used to attack from large distances, as well as to close in on opponents locked in place by the shots and follow up with another attack. However, each shot can also be reflected by opponents.

It takes 90 damage to fully charge Gunman Clive.

In-game description[]

Rapidly fires 6 bullets straight forward. These quick projectiles lock an opponent in a multihit it any of them connect, so they can set up almost any of your attacks!



Fraymakers Gunman Clive Costumes