Fury, also known as Mr. Eradicate, is one of the three titular protagonists of the Yeah Jam Fury series. He is the third member of a trio of Grins who, along with Yeah and Jam, share the same body and must work together to get the delicious mango at the end of every level.
Character description[]
Fury is a Grin clad in red accents, a color that reflects his rageful and brute personality. His most notable physical trait, aside his huge size margin compared to the other Grins, is the presence of thick black eyebrows. Similarly to Yeah, he wears a round beige hat with two brown earphones, though they are much larger. A tuft of black hair protrudes from the back of his hat, making Fury the only one of the trio to show hair. His wardrobe is similar to the others: he wears a red shirt, a beige jacket with a red line, dark red pants and two caramel shoes. Due to his powerful strength, Fury also wears a pair of red boxing gloves, which enables him to punch and destroy blocks in his way. He specifically wears these gloves to cover up his hands, which are always on fire.
In Yeah Jam Fury: U, Me, Everybody!, Fury uses the Memory Book to communicate with Yeah and Jam without having to do so face-to-face. Fury writes in red ink and has the largest, thickest handwriting of the three, though he generally writes the least due to it being hard to write with boxing gloves on. Like the other Grins, Fury is obsessed with mangos for reasons he is unclear of, and it is implied he was given this obsession and his boxing gloves at a young age by Mr. Super. From what he writes, despite his normally brutish demeanor, Fury is very friendly with Yeah and Jam and rarely loses his temper. Like Yeah, he seeks answers to find his purpose and meet Yeah and Jam face-to-face. In particular, Fury takes pride in his strength but strives to be "powerful" by learning to be in control of it, and he even breaks down after realizing Grins such as Mr. Bloo are far more powerful than him. Eventually, he comes to realize that he, Yeah, and Jam are all powerful for celebrating what they know and what they can do.
In the Yeah Jam Fury series[]

Fury's appearance in Yeah Jam Fury: U, Me, Everybody!.
Fury is the third of the three playable characters, along with Yeah and Jam, in both games of the Yeah Jam Fury series. In both games, Fury is the biggest, strongest, and heaviest of the three characters. In fact, he is too big to fit in small spaces less than three blocks tall or two blocks wide. He also cannot jump at all and he takes long, slow steps when walking, making this the only way for him to cross over gaps.
Fury's most valuable asset is his special ability to destroy Yellow Blocks and Ice Blocks by punching them or even by simply falling onto them using his weight. More importantly, the Yellow Blocks that Fury destroys will then be added to Yeah's quota. Additionally, in Yeah Jam Fury: U, Me, Everybody!, the level 5000 Blocks transforms Fury into a massive red cab truck to smash the aforementioned amount of Yellow Blocks so the mango can be obtained.
Memory Book[]