The Fan (はりせん) is a fast but weak item that appears in both installments of the Super Smash Flash series. It is an item from the Super Smash Bros. universe and has appeared in all but two of the Super Smash Bros. games.
The Fan is a moderate-fast weapon in Super Smash Flash, but cannot be used to spam. Like other items, the fan has a limited use and disappears once it has been used too many times by the player. As shielding was not present in SSF, the fan cannot be used for that.
In Super Smash Flash 2[]
For Super Smash Flash 2, the Fan is much faster, but only deals 2% damage per strike. As with some other weapons, the fan can be charged. If used as a fully-charged smash attack of a 13% of damage, the fan will break an opponent's shield. The fan does not do much damage, but has quick hits and adds up fast. It even flips opponents.
The fan has no verdict game origin, instead, it originates from the manzai (漫才), a traditional style of stand-up comedy in Japanese culture. Manzai usually involves two performers (manzaishi)—a straight man (tsukkomi) and a funny man (boke)—trading jokes at great speed. Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other verbal gags. In performances it is common for the tsukkomi to berate the boke and hit them on the head with a swift smack; one traditional manzai prop often used for this purpose is a pleated paper fan called a harisen (張り扇), resulting in a loud smack noise. This is translated into the SSB games, where the Fan is a rapid slapping weapon which produces a characteristic slap sound. Though not being so faithful for SSF, the fan carries similar properties to the manzai act in SSF2.