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The Crewmate and the Impostor are the two main playable roles of the party game Among Us. They appear as an Assist character in Fraymakers.

Character description[]

The crew in Among Us is a group of up to fifteen astronauts distinguished by the colors of their suits. The Crewmates stay together on a particular base and are assigned different tasks around the base to maintain it. However, a small number of Crewmates are secretly "Impostors", alien shapeshifters who are identical in appearance to the other Crewmates, distinguished only by their abilities to kill Crewmates, move through vents, and cause various problems throughout the base. The goal of the Crewmates is to eject all Impostors from the base while performing tasks, whereas the goal of the Impostors is to kill all Crewmates. In order for the Crewmates to succeed, they must coordinate together to identify the suspicious behaviors of the Impostors and vote them out before too many Crewmates are gone.

In Fraymakers[]

Impostor Stab

The Impostor as it appears in Fraymakers.

A red Crewmate is one of the Assist characters in Fraymakers, and they are one of the twenty Assists available at the launch of its Early Access release. They were chosen for the game for being the most requested Assist in the content survey released to Kickstarter backers, and they were revealed in the game's Early Access launch trailer on January 18, 2023.

When called upon, the Crewmate opens an electrical panel on the ground to fix the wiring, and a striped orange circle appears around them. After about three seconds, they perform one of two actions, depending on how many times the Assist input was pressed to summon them. If pressed once, they connect two wires together, and all players within the circle are granted additional hitstun to all attacks for about eleven seconds. This can provide the player easier access to combos for the duration of the buff. However, it is also risky to use due to the requirement to be inside the Crewmate's circle to gain this buff, as well as the ability for opponents to gain it for themselves.

If the Assist input is pressed twice, the Crewmate is instead revealed to be the Impostor and stops before connecting the wires. If opponents are within the circle at this point, then a cutscene plays in which the Impostor stabs these opponents with their tongue before jumping into the vent below and disappearing. Opponents stabbed are dealt 20 damage and powerful knockback. This can be used as an early KO move if successfully landed. As there is no distinction between the Crewmate's and Impostor's initial animations, opponents attempting to gain the Crewmate's buff may also risk getting attacked by the Impostor, and vice versa.



Fraymakers Crewmate Costumes


  • The Crewmate is the only character in Fraymakers to have a costume depicted in the game's splash artwork, being a green Impostor.
    • Prior to v0.5.11 of Early Access, this color was not actually available in-game.